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mengangkat tuhan bagi bahasa Inggris

  • mengangkat:    carry; designate; doff; eaised up; elevate;
  • tuhan:    deity; god; god's; gods; lor; the infinite; the
  • tuhan bagi:    the lord of
  • bagi:    unto; for; with; distribute; share; divide up;
  • bagi tuhan di tempat tinggi:    to god on high
  • mengangkat:    carry; designate; doff; eaised up; elevate; elevated; elevating; get ahead; haul up; hauled up; hauling up; heave; hoist; lift; lift up; lifted; lifted up; lifting; lifting up; raise up; raised; upl
  • tuhan:    deity; god; god's; gods; lor; the infinite; the infinite one; the lord; lord; godlike; godhood; immortal; owner; goddess; divine; demiurge; monotheism; master; divinity; supreme; supreme being; theo
  • tuhan!:    heavens
  • bagi:    unto; for; with; distribute; share; divide up; benefactive; split; split up; divide out; separate; divide into parts; divide; to
  • mengangkat (bahu):    shrugged; shruggeding
  • mengangkat bahu:    shrug; shrug the shoulders; shrugged the shoulders; shrugging; shrugging the shoulders
  • mengangkat kembali:    restore
  • mengangkat lagi:    reappoint; reappointed; reappointing
  • mengangkat sauh:    weigh anchor
  • mengangkat senjata:    bore arms